Account Capabilities

Global Account

Cooperate with international banks to provide customers with global accounts for overseas needs.

Support 10+ mainstream currencies. Extremely fast drop-off Mini 0 account opening fee, 0 maintenance fee, 0 entry fee

Local Account

Local collection accounts in North America, Euro, UK, Poland, Japan. Recorded in local currency

Low exchange costs and low exchange losses

No intermediary fees

Product Advantages

Unified management of multiple stores

One GEP master account manages multi-store funds in a unified platform

Receive payments in multiple currencies

Supports USD, EUR, GBP, JPY,PLN, etc. meet the needs of diversified payment and payment currencies.

Efficient collection and fast withdrawals

Amazing paying and withdrawing experience, by using Real-time exchange rate, which brings you 0 exchange loss

Safe, reliable, compliant and transparent

Cooperate with professional payment institutions to do foreign exchange settlement. Complete the entire flow of funds within the system

Application Instruction

You can use global collection products in a few simple steps, with functions include multi-currency, multi-platform, instant cross-border collection solutions, and easily manage them in a single interface.

Registration and authentication

Register online with your cell phone number and complete real name authentication online

Receipt account opening

instantly open a receipt account online

Receive money

Store payment settlement remittance to my account or supplier account


your money is quickly and safely remitted to your account or supplier's account via the best functional route


There is no handling fee for registering a GEP account, opening an account, and receiving money.
Mobile phone number, email address.
More questions

A few simple steps,enable quick payment